Hi Greg, here is my weekly report from last Wednesday until today (Thu 27)

Zoe, my hostsister plays every Wednesday Netball at the Cardinia Center. First we had the idea that I could join the team, but they’ve got enough people and I wasn’t there when they organized everything so I will only play if they haven’t got enough people. But we organized that I can go swimming while they are playing. So last Wednesday, I went, like yesterday with them to the Stadium and had a swim and then watched the last quarter of their game.
On Thursday, I went with her to a personal training where I’ve done the first time boxing. I really enjoyed it, but this evening I had difficulties to brush my teeth, because my arms were so tired!
On Saturday, I went with George and Sue to a Car-show in the Royal Exhibition Center in Melbourne. I don’t know a lot about cars and I’m normally not very interested in it, because my family in Switzerland hasn’t got a car - we use public transport. But I enjoyed to watch all the cars from the oldest to the newest and with the visit of the Royal Exhibition Center, I’ve also done a point of my bucket list.
On Sunday I went with Roger, Terry, Lisa (the exchange girl from Berwick) and her hostparents again to Melbourne to the big storage with all the things for the schools, hospitals and other community services.
On Tuesday, I went to the speaking competition and I’m impressed of how good these young kids speeches were.

Rosa Schnebli